The yearly growth of women in business has been 4.2% in the last 12 years
47% of women started a business in the last year
260 Black women open new businesses every day
Black SHEeo’s generate $390 billion
56% of companies have been hired in top executive roles
Over 200 million women are entrepreneurs
114% increase, over the past 5 years
An average rate of growth has been 163% in the last 45 years, women in business statistics estimate
In the past two years, women have started more than 1,500 new companies
Almost 90% of businesses owned by women generate no more than $100,000 yearly
In the last 20 years, the number of businesses owned by women in the US has increased by 114%
13% of construction, high-tech manufacturing and metal industries are SHEeo lead
9 million people are employed, thanks to a SHEeo
Women are in charge of more than 46% of private businesses in Ghana
Uganda and Vietnam have over 30% of women-owned companies
Women owned businesses statistics show that female ownership rate is under 10% in the countries of the Middle East, but these women are more likely to do international business
Faster than women-owned businesses is the growing number of companies owned by women of color